Get GAQM CTFL Certification Without Exam
We can pass all your CTFL exams and get you CTFL certified within 7 days. Exams will be taken in the authorized testing center. Your certification status can be verified on the GAQM official website and the certificates will arrive from GAQM at your owned address. You get Certified Software Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL) certification without ever having to set foot into a testing center. Just sit back and relax after placing an order.
About Certified Software Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL)
The Certified Software Tester – Foundation Level Exam is a first step in your career. You are not obligated to have testing experience. What you need is to understand is the general types of applications. The main goals are to ensure a broad understanding of the key concepts in software testing and provide a foundation for a future career growth. Another goal is to understand key concepts in software testing to advance level.
If you are exploring new career opportunities or want to stay current in the Software Testing field, Certified Software Tester - Foundation Level certification can provide you a focused career and skill development for working professionals.