Get GAQM CPT Certification Without Exam
We can pass all your CPT exams and get you CPT certified within 7 days. Exams will be taken in the authorized testing center. Your certification status can be verified on the GAQM official website and the certificates will arrive from GAQM at your owned address. You get Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) certification without ever having to set foot into a testing center. Just sit back and relax after placing an order.
About Certified Professional Trainer (CPT)
Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) is an international, vendor-neutral certification that covers core instructor skills, including preparation, presentation, communication, facilitation and evaluation in both a classroom and virtual classroom environment. It is a widely accepted qualification throughout the IT sector, Management and other training fields the Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) certification provides a springboard for any technical trainer.
Target Audience
- This certification is ideal for trainers and presenters from all industries to improve their presentation skills.
- Trainers with experience of delivering content in a live face-to-face environment.
- TTraining specialists, learning facilitators and managers, master trainers, educators and other professionals who deliver training.