Get GAQM CNE Certification Without Exam
We can pass all your CNE exams and get you CNE certified within 7 days. Exams will be taken in the authorized testing center. Your certification status can be verified on the GAQM official website and the certificates will arrive from GAQM at your owned address. You get Certified Network Engineer (CNE) certification without ever having to set foot into a testing center. Just sit back and relax after placing an order.
About Certified Network Engineer (CNE)
A Network Engineer is an individual that is responsible for the maintenance of computer hardware and software systems that make up a computer network including the maintenance and monitoring of active data network or converged infrastructure and related network equipment.
Certified Network Engineer (CNE) certification proves that students has understanding of the full range of modern communication technologies, network protocols and middleware required for modern networks. It will equip them with the expertise to design, build, configure and test modern networks and networked services.
Job Profile
- Other job titles used to refer to this kind of work include network support, support engineer, IT support engineer, helpdesk support, network administrator, first-line support, second-line support, and security engineer and network architect.