Get GAQM CDCP Certification Without Exam
We can pass all your CDCP exams and get you CDCP certified within 7 days. Exams will be taken in the authorized testing center. Your certification status can be verified on the GAQM official website and the certificates will arrive from GAQM at your owned address. You get Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP) certification without ever having to set foot into a testing center. Just sit back and relax after placing an order.
About Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP)
The Certified Data Centre Professional (CDCP)™ exam certification indicates a foundational knowledge of critical physical infrastructure in the Data Center. The Certified Data Centre Professional’s have to demonstrate a base level proficiency in the elements of: cooling, fire safety and protection, racks, cabling, management and physical security.
The CDCP certification can significantly increase productivity and proficiency because certified professionals have the knowledge to successfully overcome obstacles faced in data center design, build and operations.
GAQM provides an international, vendor-neutral credential (CDCP) with a global standard for measuring competency in the core elements of a data center.